Friday, September 21, 2007

Week #1 Discussion

Hi Friends!!

Wow, Tuesday night's discussion was amazing! Y'all are already digging in and questioning things that we aren't going to study for another couple of weeks. That is so great! I am so in awe of how involved you want to be in this study. You each had so much to contribute. I'm excited about our future discussions!

I truly hope this second week of homework is going well! It's getting very exciting and interesting now that we are digging deeper into Genesis 1.

I have a confession...I Tivo The View. Yes, I know it's dorky, but sometimes it's how I get my news when I don't have time to watch other things. Well, Tuesday morning's discussion on The View was about Creation! I couldn't believe that the day we were studying it, God reminded me through the show that there are SO many people that don't believe the Truth like we do. It was a heated discussion which was a little hard to listen to. I will tell you that 3 of the 5 women do NOT believe that Creation happened like the Bible said. One of the women doesn't believe in God. One believes that Creation happened by God, but that the Bible is just a figurative story. And one believed also that it happened the way the Bible says, but not in 7 days. This is why were are studying Genesis! I wish I could get the clip of it to show y'all.

Can't wait to see you Tuesday night!



MamaCass said...

Honestly I never knew all the different views on Creation. I have heard and have been taught the Day Age theory. But after this week's study I am more certain that creation was 6 literal days which totally contradicts everything I was taught in science class. Although I can certainly see why many would buy into these other theories. I don't know. After reading all the articles this week my brain kind of hurts.

mariel said...

I followed a link to you and I so wish i was there to do Genesis Precepts with you all!! (I'm in NC)

Are you doing any discussion here for those of us who would love to follow along? Or is this just for the gals from the actual study group?

Many blessings as you dig deep into His life-giving Word!